I’m his puppet and he is my invisible master, holding my strings from miles away.

Saffron A. Kent
About This Quote

Many people say, “I am his puppet and he is my invisible master.” It means that the person uses you and controls you without telling you. But it can also mean that they are controlling your life and you don’t know it. What is the meaning of the puppet and invisible master? When you get used by someone, they use you to do things for them and deceive people. They get their way with you and control your actions.

Someone else controls everything that happens in your life, without you knowing it. You are a puppet in their hands. Sometimes they will be nice to you, but they will never accept your problems or help with anything.

This person might make you feel bad when something goes wrong. They use their power to make you feel bad about yourself, in order to control your life. This is what this quote means when it is said out loud or in writing.

Source: The Unrequited

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